Stories From the Desk of Composer Nathan J. Stumpff

A look at the process and working methods behind Nathan's music making

Four Winter Carols Videos

Slate on Paine Mountain
Slate from abandoned quarry | Paine Mountain, Northfield, VT - 2019

I created the following videos with demo recordings and perusal scores for my new work Four Winter Carols, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and let me know what you think in the comments section, many thanks!


1. The Mahagony Tree

2. Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind

3. Under the Holly Bough

4. Carol of the Field Mice

Available Now:

'New Choral Voices, Vol. 1' on Ablaze Records

New Choral Voices, Vol. 1
Four Rumi Songs (for a cappella chorus)

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